This level is a Human vs Human level. It's really not that hard but it will take you a little while to come up with a big enough army to crush your oposition, or come up with a strategy. I suggest you come up with a strategy. Remember when it comes to your soldiers, quality NOT quantity. If you follow this rule then you will find that you are not spending as much money on replacing men and you can beat the level faster and easier. If you do just so happen to have trouble with this level and don't want to cheat you can e-mail me for tips. If you do beat this level please e-mail me at and tell me what you think of this level. On second thought even if you don't beat this level e-mail me and tell me what you think, and what your having trouble with. Please e-mail me to tell me if you would rather be humans or orcs and maybe I'll make another level. If you had trouble with my earlier level (fortress) then you should try this one, it's much easier. If you want my last level e-mail me and I'll send it to you. It's much harder than this one.